Crobot at the Agora
Cleveland, Ohio
December 30, 2015
What happens when a ’70s band steps into a magical time-traveling van alongside a coyote in sunglasses and transports to the year 2013? They emerge, ready to wildly rock an amazed crowd in the fashion of some of the classic rock legends.
Resolution, Prediction, and Expectations for 2016
Without the use of any magical substances or wizardry, I’m plain and simply calling it here:
• The Must-See Band of 2016 = Crobot (add this to your list!)
• End Result = After seeing Crobot in concert, you’ll talk about the show for days
What should you expect at a Crobot performance?
• Magnetic energy
• Wild fun and true talent
• Getting hooked
My sister and I saw Crobot for the first time at our personal second annual event, the Pain in the Grass tour in Auburn, WA in August 2015. At this festival of music, a collection of mostly hard rock bands play throughout the day and night. I noticed right away that, not only does Crobot put on one of the most infectiously energetic shows I’ve ever seen (must-see videos included below!), they actually have fantastic musical talents to back their demonstration. My sister is not a hard rock fan, necessarily, and Crobot is not necessarily just a hard rock band. The band’s sound is reminiscent of a ’70s classic rock band with a modern twist. We were both magnetically drawn to the stage to watch their performance, which turned out to be one of the highlights of our day.

Left: Crobot at the Agora, Top Right: Crobot at Pain in the Grass, Bottom Right: Backstage view at the Agora
Time Travel
Flashing forward to the Cleveland Agora show, the performance was just as powerful. The band is constantly moving, grooving, and entertaining the crowd with their extreme energy and animated craziness (good crazy). It’s impossible to look away. The best part? Crobot’s music absolutely rocks. It’s exceptionally good and very original. Lead singer Brandon Yeagley has a powerful voice, unlike anything I’ve heard in a long time. This.Guy.Can.Sing. The good stuff does not stop there. Chris Bishop on guitar, Jake Figueroa on bass, and Paul Figueroa on drums create a musical powerhouse of intense, hypnotic grooves.
The Gig
Crobot, the second act, shared the stage that night with Valkyrie, a heavier rock band, as well as the main act, Clutch, a rock band formed in the early ’90s. Both bands were fantastic and made my list of bands to see again. Suggestion: If you are a gal in search of a guy, go to a Clutch concert, as the audience was ebbing and flowing with a sea of men.
Laughs Before the Show
I was fortunate to meet up with Crobot prior to the show for a little Q&A and laughter. Check out my interview highlights below.
The Endgame
Let’s recap. So, what are your next steps? I know: see Crobot in 2016, download Legend of the Spaceborne Killer, and listen to it over and over. (Do it!) Also, check out the videos below. My next step? Meet Cousin Dave, get some advice, borrow his van, and see where or when I end up. Check out what I’m talking about in the interview below.
A Probable Setlist and More (Download some of the tunes or their latest CD!)
1. The Legend of the Spaceborne Killer
2. Skull of Geronimo
3. Welcome to Fat City
4. Night of the Sacrifice
5. Play It Cool
6. The Necromancer
7. Easy Money
8. Serpent Shepherd
9. Chupacabra
10. Fly on the Wall
11. Nowhere to Hide
Crobot Interview Highlights — Spiders, Scorpions, and Hawk Wasps, Oh My!
Amidst lots of laughter throughout the interview, my photographer, Gretchen, and I were lucky enough to catch up with Lead Singer Brandon, Guitarist Chris (aka Bishop), Bassist Jake, and Drummer Paul prior to the show in the Agora’s green room.
You guys are from Pottsville, PA. How did you get together?
Chris: I’m from Tennessee, so I moved up [to PA] in 2007. Through playing in different bands, I met Brandon, we started Crobot, and we started playing with these guys. Yeah… we formed a super group, in early 2013.
What is the story behind the name Crobot?
Brandon: [It started with] our good friend, Cousin Dave, no relation to anyone… We were trying to figure out a name. Robot Johnson was one that almost made it… Dirt Box… Dirt Bath. Nothing was really sticking. So Dave asked Bishop what we sounded like, and Bishop said, “We’re kinda riffy like Crowbar, and I use robotic effects on my guitar.” Dave said, “Well, what about Crobot?”
How did you get started playing music and singing?
Brandon: I started singing because I started playing guitar. I kept working at both, and eventually got a little better at singing. So, I tried to pursue that a little harder than the rest of it. I started out as a fan. Really loving music. There are some musicians in my family, so I grew up around the live aspect of music.
Paul: I was a band geek in school. Always wanted to play drums, but my mom didn’t want me to play drums…. She didn’t want me to grow my hair long and join a rock band and do drugs and all that stuff, so I started plying trumpet instead. Eventually, when I got into high school, I bought my own drum set, I grew my hair long… and now I’m here.
Bishop: When I was like 8 or 9 years old, my mom bought me guitar and put me in lessons and I stuck with it ever since. And, I played a lot of baseball. Other than that, it was always baseball and guitar.
Jake (the band’s funnyman): I started as a baby. I grew a bit and turned into a tap dancing young man. And then I was encouraged to play the saxophone. I was also a band geek. Then I just wanted to play in bands. I tried to play guitar, which I was terrible at, so I started playing bass. I started singing for a while, and then went back to guitar. I’m an indecisive individual, so I’ll go back to being a baby one day. Maybe a little tap dancing.
[I mentioned that there’s something about the band that reminds me of the movie Almost Famous, even though I haven’t watched the movie in years.] You guys have a sound like a modern ’70s band.
“Cool!” they said.
[I continued that I had recently seen a seemingly-’70s-like picture of them by a van with a dog.]
All: It was actually a coyote. It was a 100% real coyote. We had to hold him to put the sunglasses on.
Where did you find the coyote?
Brandon: It’s my dad’s.
Whose van?
Cousin Dave’s!! (Laughter around the room.)
I love this guy. Where does he live?
Frackville, PA
What music inspired or still inspires you?
“Clutch!” the band agreed.
Chris: Clutch is my biggest inspiration, and we just happen to be on tour with them!
Jake: We all like a bunch of weird shit, too. We all bring some pretty eclectic mixtures to the table, whether it be funky, folky, or hokey pokey. [At this point, Jake recommended that I listen to a Crobot favorite: the song Christmas Dinner by Tennessee Ernie Ford. I believe I will download and add this to my Christmas playlist for next year.]
Having been on tour for nearly two years straight, what do you tour in?
Paul: A van. We did have a “bandwagon” for a brief period of time, when we were out on tour with Motörhead. But I think we were all a little uncomfortable having that much space. We didn’t even make it through the whole tour. We were right back in the van.
How do you like touring? Playing in shows across the country, going back and forth. Is it like a dream come true adventure?
Paul: Oh yeah. I love it.
Jake: Yeah! Sometimes, though, at the end of dreams you end up with your face in your friend’s armpit. And that’s when you’re like, shit dude. It’s pretty real. It’s heavy. (Lots of laughing)
Last time here at the Agora, I interviewed Wilson up on the roof (see post here). They mentioned that they had been on tour with you guys, calling it the drunk as hell tour.
I was unanimously corrected: “The drunk as shit tour! Oh yeah….”
What do you do when Clutch it on stage?
All: “We watch them.” “Every night.” “It’s like a free education.”
I think your music is so good and so original, and you have lots of energy on stage. How do you feel inspired? How do you do it?
All: Coffee!
What do you for adventure outside of music?
Different interjections from all: “Fishing.” “I read books.” “I know someone who is a very avid spelunker.” “I bought a bike.” “I go to renaissance fairs and wear a Viking hat.” “We’re not that exciting. This is the most exciting thing we do, I think.”
What will you do after this?
Brandon: Probably write for a good couple of weeks, maybe a month. Head into the studio after this. Put out another record. (“Yays!” were heard around the room.)
Where will you do this?
Brandon: We’re probably going to be going to Austin with The Machine. Work with our good buddy “Gene the Machine” again. Write some riffy ditties in the desert, dodging scorpions, hawk wasps, and tarantulas.
Here, we had a side conversation about our fears of such creatures. I jokingly said that I’m least afraid of a scorpion because as a Scorpio I’m immune, automatically, to scorpion bites. Everyone started talking at once and laughing: “Aahh, that’s the secret.” “So, does that mean I’m immune to centaurs who are crafty with a bow?” “That’s exactly what it means.”
A sudden shouting: “I’m immune to Crabs!” [Lots of laughing here.] “Hey, man, some things you should just leave to the cosmos.”
11 Seconds of Crobot at Pain in the Grass
Fun Moments with Crobot at the Agora
Hysterical!! I want to see these guys. Sounds like a blast!
Way cool. Great read!
Great interview!! These guys sound like they so enjoy what they do but have a lot of fun together. Good questions!!!!!
Thank you so much! They *do* have a lot of fun, and so does the audience. Great show!