Cleveland was bright that night. Even though it rained, the Goo Goo Dolls delivered a very upbeat and engaging performance at Jacobs Pavilion.

Cleveland was bright that night. Even though it rained, the Goo Goo Dolls delivered a very upbeat and engaging performance at Jacobs Pavilion.
What happens when three guys combine raw, true talent with the ability and intelligence to succeed? They create a powerful, authentic, and emerging band called Devilstrip. Origins Hailing from the same hometown as Chrissie Hynde, Devo, The Black Keys, and Red Sun Rising, the band Devilstrip is ready to explode out of Akron, Ohio to […]
Juliette Lewis The Grog Shop Cleveland, Ohio August 3, 2016 Juliette Lewis, singer and actor, was a wild, unstoppable force at the Grog Shop in August, and Cleveland loved it. Hello Prior to the concert, I purposely did not listen to any of Juliette Lewis’ music for the sheer purpose of wanting to be surprised. […]
Bramwell Tovey, Guest Conductor Cleveland Orchestra Blossom Music Center July 17, 2016 The Introduction with Bramwell Tovey Summers at Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio are incredibly popular, not only for rock concerts and country shows, but also for the Cleveland Orchestra performances on weekend evenings. Prior to a recent Cleveland Orchestra concert, I […]
Thousand Foot Krutch Cleveland Agora July 20, 2016 Mind-blowing lyrics, goose bump-inducing music, and amazingly energetic concerts. Who could ask for anything more? With the band Thousand Foot Krutch, you are not for want; the band uniquely has it all. Power The Thousand Foot Krutch (TFK) concert at the Cleveland Agora in July 2016 was […]